The White Album
July 08, 2008
Two eyes; one hazel, one blue. "Brimstone" by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child
The White Album. I don't know why, but that's what this quilt is called. Well, yeah, there's a whole lot of in-your-face white in it. I'm really not all that deep, you know.

This belonged to my friend J2; she offered it up as the "rag" to practice using her
Nolting Fun Quilter. I balked, she said that it was just a throw away anyway, I freaked and it ended up coming home with me. Twice.
The first time was after I'd done my first practicing/test driving of the Fun Quilter. Tension issues. Speed issues. Hand/eye coordination issues. It is so difficult getting the hang of moving the
machine rather than the quilt. I mean, it's not rocket science, but just a whole different set of muscles and a different mindset. Like, none of that
detailed quilting that I'm used to doing.
I brought the poor, ugly, lumpy thing home and commenced to ripping out ALL of the practice quilting. In some areas it wasn't much of a problem because of the early tension issues.
After that, I pressed the poor top really well (I used a size
20 needle - poor, holey quilt!) and took it back to J2's. I reloaded it onto the machine (well, there's a long story but eventually it got reloaded) and commenced ta' quiltin'.

Other than a few urps here and there - unsmooth curves, mainly - I think it turned out pretty well for my first official quilting effort.
This won't replace the quilting I do on my DSM, because I don't want to give the years it would require to excel at the large machine. But for certain things like this
"rag", it will do quite well.
Labels: quilting

At 7/08/2008 3:37 AM, Bobbie Bentneedle Babbled Back:
Quite lovely, for a rag, it is! And quite lovely, the quilting is as well... Overdose on Star Wars movies this weekend past, I did - and now, with backward Yoda Speak, I write.
T, you did a really nice job. I know it's really a meager amount of quilting, by your NYB standards, but from here it looks "just right!"
At 7/08/2008 3:36 PM, Candace Babbled Back:
I wish my quilts looked as nice as that 'rag'.
At 7/10/2008 2:30 PM, Shelina Babbled Back:
It is a beautiful quilt. Throwaway indeed! Hurmph! If I made that, it would be considered my master peace. The quilting is lovely.
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