Right Place, Right Time?
June 28, 2008

Yesterday morning in my wandering through friend-blogs and friend-of-friend-blogs, I ran across
Just Us Quilters and
Quilting Bloggers over at
Quilting Gallery.
I thought, what the heck, and signed up for both of them, since the buttons seem to be popping up on 'all the best' blogs.

Imagine my surprise when I checked my stats last night and found that even before putting up buttons, those two sites had sent me three times the number of hits I usually get in a day!
Between those referrals and an inexplicable mess o'search engine searches showing a world-wide sudden interest in
properly fitted bras (I just report the facts, ladies and gents), the little bar chart was quite impressive indeed!
So, thank you to my new visitors. Sometime later today I'll get the buttons on my sidebar over there -->
(But for now I'm gonna give up the puter to Mr. W. because he's been so nice to me this week - hope it's not because he got a new girlfriend.)
I've been doing some serious quilting in the past week, and everything is just
this close to be finished and photograph-able (and bloggable!).
Until then, happy surfing!
Labels: blogging

At 6/28/2008 7:51 PM, Val Babbled Back:
I sure am glad that you joined Just Us Quilters because that is how I found you. I have really enjoyed my visit and will be back soon.
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