Hello, It's Me
February 11, 2013
Give yourself a pat on the back - if you can still bend that way - if you just kinda sang that title.
This is a Public Service Announcement to my friends and fans :snerk: that are..
Here's the deal: I don't get a lot of comments so when I do get them it makes me smile. I read every single comment and I want to reply - whether to answer a question or to just say a heartfelt Thank You for taking the time to click and type a few words.
The unfortunate thing is that there are some of you who, when I try to hit the Reply button in my email, have a no-reply email address so I can't say Hey.
A couple of blogs that I regularly read have addressed the issue partially - if you have a Blogger account (whether you blog or not), there are ways to change your settings so that an email address shows up with your comment.
Karen at Sew Many Ways has written two posts about changing your settings
here and
here. Madame Samm over at Sew WE Quilt! put up an adorable little picture that links to Erin's blog, Sew At Home Mummy, and her instructions
That's all well and good if you have any affiliation with a Blogger account. But what if you don't?
I don't allow Anonymous comments on my blog. Literally within 4 hours of lifting that restriction, I get my first f many SPAM comments. I don't really want to deal with that, so Anonymous isn't an option for me.
On my comment form there's an option below the Google/Blogger ID for
OpenID. According to the OpenID website,
OpenID allows you to use an existing account to sign in to multiple websites, without needing to create new passwords. In fact, they say that
you may already have an OpenID.
It looks like I 'qualify' in multiple ways for OpenID: I use Google, Yahoo, Flickr, Wordpress AND I have my own website.
Please, if you can, take a few minutes and dig around the OpenID site and see if it's something that may work for you. Then hopefully we can start a conversation!
Labels: babble, blogging

At 2/11/2013 9:33 AM, Babbled Back:
Just because I don't post a comment doesn't mean I don't read your blog. I know I will always enjoy what you are writing about anytime I see your blog pop-up with a new post! Keep up the great work!
At 2/11/2013 12:50 PM, Babbled Back:
here's my comment.....
..... ah.........
what was I going to say????
At 2/12/2013 1:46 PM, Robin Babbled Back:
are you ready for the next hop?? I just finished up for the "hugs & kisses" one but haven't really started on the "It's all about me" one. We will see what happens when my day rolls around (feb 22)
Robin in Washington State
At 1/09/2016 2:56 AM, Unknown Babbled Back:
Hi, I'm in the UK ( Scotland ) I've been colouring on fabric with crayons but I find once they're gently hand washed with gentle soap...they fade ! Is there some kind of spray-on fixer...I'll be tutoring a workshop soon and don't want my students work to fade away ! Help !!
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