If There's A Cure For This
January 22, 2011
The blue ones with the bow will do. "Magic Strikes" by Ilona Andrews ♦♦♦♦◊
I'm suffering from a raging case of
Start-itis n. Med. Condition suffered by handcrafters in which many new projects are begun, but older projects are left to languish unfinished, sometimes indefinitely. Common among knitters, crocheters, and spinners. Cure: no known cure, but startitis can diminish after being allowed to run its course.
- quoted from "Get Your Hook On" 17 Aug 2006
When looking for the 'official' definition of startitis, I found that it is almost exclusively used for activities of the yarnish persuasion. Well my friends I am here to tell you right now that this affliction does not limit itself to just one segment of the creative community. No, no, no. Are you kidding? January is a month of new beginnings! Hace you
seen all of the new BOM (Block of the Month) projects that have been offered this month? I'm collecting at least 24 quilting and stitching (embroidery) projects right now - and that's just the FREE ones!
How can I not have the itch to start-start-start when there are so many inspiring and generous designers in the world that just
insist upon sharing
the exact project I want to start. Right NOW.Last night I sewed up the sample for my next class, Valentine Toss. It just needs the hearts fused onto it. Yep, another Go! Cutter-friendly quilt. This will be the third in the series. Picture coming soon!
Oh, yeah - and I found an apron pattern that Pam-from-work and I both gravitated toward. Last night I made the pockets and cut out the bodies (it's reversible). I have fabric to make a second apron at the ready, too.
Okay... no pictures this time, but I'll share the list of BOMs I'm collecting:
Birdie StitchesGive ThanksCeltic BOMPieceful KwilterOde to the Blue and GreyFiestaLittle Ladybug's CreationsFlowers of Love (look on the sidebar)
Out of the Box/Dawn HayOut of the Box/Pickledish PatchHome, Sweet Home12 of HeartsWhimsical FlowersChristmas Yet to Comebdieges DesignsKitykittykittyAshes of RosesRetro Nine-PatchStitch, Stitch, Stitch2011 - A Year of WallhangingsGarden PartyMy TweetsEllie's Quilt PlaceThe Painted QuiltErik Homemade Christmas Mystery 2010 (yes, still!)
Happy surfing!
Everybody sing!
If there's a cure for this, I don't want it, don't want it. If there's a remedy, I'll run from it...Labels: quilting

At 1/22/2011 9:39 AM, Barb Babbled Back:
I am sorry...I don't mean to laugh...but I suffer from that too....what is wrong with us????
Good luck on all your projects.
At 1/23/2011 5:11 AM, Crispy Babbled Back:
Not to brag or anything but I didn't click on a single link provided thus I have not been lured into the collecting of projects that will never get finished :0) You know there is another term that should be applied to blogging...Enabler-itis...Those that post links to projects that will never get done just so they aren't alone in the collecting process LOL.
I'll enjoy watching your UFO pile grow and will sympathize with you when you whine about it ROFL.
At 1/27/2011 7:53 AM, Quilter Kathy Babbled Back:
I think I should be president of the Startitis club...or the recovery group!!! Thanks for the great list...I'm going to link to it on my blog if that's OK with you.
At 2/04/2011 8:11 AM, Linda Babbled Back:
I love this post...Startitis. I think it must be contagious too! I've had it for several years but I must be building up an immunity, a little bit anyway. I'm fighting off this dreaded disease by finishing some of my UFO's. I've got this picture in my head, I'm in a tight white suit, armed with pins, needles, rotary cutter and my shield is my sewing machine. There's a glow (my force field) around me when I turn on my machine and it's killing off all the germs from the Startitis disease...You can see the glow better at nighttime when you stay up late to finish a project. The glow gets stronger and stronger with each project finished. Ok, that's it for now, I have to go turn on the force field and get busy. I have one more UFO to finish up this morning. This one's only been around a few years! Stay warm and pet the cat for me!
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