A February Project in February!
February 12, 2008

Click for Big(ger)Here is my interpretation of the
Simply Hearts tablerunner project (pdf is
here). I mucked with the layout because, as written, the tablerunner is too narrow for my liking - but the pattern is totally cute! I've also figured out that if I don't actually cut and sew placemats at the same time as I'm building the runner, the placemats never get done.
Begun at our Woodland quilting get-together on Saturday, I finished piecing the set on Sunday, while I was switching back and forth between ibuprofen and naproxen, trying to find something that worked for my knee. (Both Monday and today, the pain woke me up - ::sigh::)
As for other creative endeavors? I'm trying to cycle through my projects/commitments. Sunday it was the tabletop stuff and designing quilting motifs for the stealth quilting project (SQP). Yesterday it was painting/shading on the SQP and making a prototype apron.
Today I basted part of the SQP, and I'm percolatin' another quilting motif. I might work on the 2nd prototype apron that I cut out yesterday.
Of course, it's Mr. W's birthday today, so I might not do any of the things that I currently have planned.
Labels: craft, quilting

At 2/15/2008 2:32 PM, Kyla Nicole Babbled Back:
*LOVE* this! Too bad I don't have a table large enough for a runner ;) lol
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