Sharp as a Marshmallow
June 30, 2014
I'll take forty more years with this man. "Murder on a Girls' Night Out" by Anne George ♦♦♦♦◊

While at retreat I went a-surfing one evening and found a picture of the quilt on the cover of this magazine.
I fell in love. I don't know why (gah!
hundreds of half square triangles!) but it grabbed me faster than a momma whose toddler is headed for the roadway.
I immediately sent out the call to my lovelies at The Quilter's Last Resort and within hours learned that the lovely Anita not only had the issue of the magazine, but was quite willing to send the magazine to me so that I could make the quilt!
Here's what I've gotten done so far. Using scraps as I find them with a consistent white-on-white print as background. (There are two more in the 'almost blocks' stage on my sewing machine.)
Funny thing. I'd lost the white-on-white fabric that I was using for my background. When Mom came to visit I did a mad dash to clear out the guest room and I figured that the fabric had gotten buried somewhere.
I dug around (at times balancing precariously over and between boxes and stacks of almost- organized sewing closet stuff) and couldn't find the fabric. I looked at the tiny pile I'd laid on the guest bed - the one that came off the sewing table, to make room to, erm, sew. I did find some plain white fabric nicely folded, but not what I was searching for.
I finally cut bait and pulled out a fat quarter I'd been holding in reserve in case I ran out of the cut I was working from. Two days later (today) I thought I'd take another shot at finding the fabric. More gentle digging, another trip or two to the guest room (touching that nicely-folded plain white fabric a time or two), checking to make sure I hadn't :gasp!: actually put the fabric away...
One last time to the guest room. Look yet again at the folded fabric.
Guess what? It turns out that
when one folds white on white fabric wrong side out it looks like plain white fabric.
I'm linking up to the
Sew Darn Crafty Linky Party over at Karen's blog. Because
why would I hide this example of brilliance from the world wide web?Labels: quilting

At 2/06/2015 5:46 AM, Candace Babbled Back:
No wonder you loved it, it's beautiful. Funny story (after the frustration) about the search.
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