About Those Goals
November 29, 2013
Actually, I'm not doing too badly. According to
my original post, I wanted to
- Finish Marilee's Birthday Blocks
- Finish Peggy's Birthday Blocks - check
- Finish my guild BOM blocks - check
- Finish Sekrit Projict #1 for my Secret Santa gift-ee - check
- Finish Sekrit Projict #2 for a birthday girl

This is block one of the two I'm doing for Marilee. From a 'Saturday Sampler' (BOM) at the
Paisley Duck. I ended up drawing each component on paper and foundation piecing it to get the bee-yoo-tiful points. Oh, and stopping by the shop to get and extra piece of background because for some reason I decided to cut one triangle actual size rather than the size that will provide seam allowances. Dork.
The second block is from a different Saturday Sampler, but I'm having a little bit of trouble with it. One of the fabrics that was provided was cut to actual size (I didn't do it this time, it arrived that way!) so I had to do some improvisation. I've got that part 'fixed' now so it's only a matter of finishing up the block. I'll get that done tomorrow, for sure, and share the picture. If I don't do a huge high-resolution picture, you might not even be able to tell what I did to fix the block!

Peggy's birthday blocks. The dark one is 1/4 of an Amish Star block, if I recall correctly. Each month guild members can grab a packet of pre-cut pieces and the pattern of the month to make a block or a few. The next month the blocks get turned in, and by the following month the guild "sweat shop" has turned the blocks into at least a quilt top, if not a complete quilt, to go into the stack of available quilts for events, charity or disaster comfort.
The light block is also a guild project, called "Color Box". Each year the committee fills 2 or 3 boxes (kinda like really large shoeboxes) with various fabrics. Throughout the year members get to take a box home and make one 12½" block from the contents (and ONLY the contents). This year all of the boxes contain reproduction fabrics and a nice natural muslin background. We get to choose whatever pattern we make, but we can't sit on the box for long because others want to get their chance. At our summer potluck, the names of everyone who has made a block goes into a hat and one, two or three names are chosen, depending on how many blocks were completed. The winner(s) get the blocks. Last year I think there was enough in the boxes to provide blocks to make 3 quilts.
All of the blocks are finished (phew!). I've begun to cut sashing; fortunately the random amount of yardage I bought before I knew what I was doing for the sashing will be enough for what I need.

Sekrit Projict #1 for my Secret Santa gift-ee. It's a tiny picture that will be huge when you click on it, but this is still in the Sekrit stage... I won't be mailing until Monday and I am almost 100% sure that my gift-ee doesn't read my blog (but she can get to it if she so chooses) but if you really want to see it (and you're sure I am not your Secret Santa) go ahead and click. Oh, and sorry it's so big - I forgot to resize it from the camera.
Now, the brilliant story behind this gift: While straightening up the area where people wait in line to check out (remember, I work at Jo-Ann Fabrics), I came across a lone
Patrick Lose Quilting Celebrations magazine, published by Fons & Porter. Almost every stinking project in the magazine said, "Make ME! Make ME!", even the
recipes. After I got off work, I promptly bought the magazine. I almost
never buy magazines. This one was that compelling to me.
After planning and sketching and starting and stopping multiple projects for my gift-ee, I finally decided to take another look through this magazine that insisted it be recreated in its entirety. Why was I trying to invent something myself when there were so many stunning or adorable projects begging to be made?
The "batting" in this little (12") project is Insul-Brite. Amazing definition to the quilting! I guess the recipient could use this for a hot pad on her holiday table, though I won't be surprised if it is just on display somewhere.
Oh - and the brilliant thing I did? I took it to work to show off before I sent it to its new home. Everyone loved it. Then when I got in the car to come home, I managed to spill cold coffee on it. :sheesh: I rinsed it as soon as I got home and the stain-treated it and tossed it in the washer. *I* know that it still shows some signs of caffeination but hopefully its new owner won't be able to tell (though she's read the story).

And then there's Sekrit Projict #2.
My lovely friend from work had a birthday this month and I wanted to make something to give to her at her birthday party. I chose a sweet little lacy something to knit up for her in some yummy fluffy angora lace yarn. It took me almost two weeks of fussing with the project and re-reading and re-training and re-knitting until I re-evaluated my plan. I really like my friend, but this project was screaming that it was NOT meant to be. (And un-knitting and re-knitting angora lace yarn is NOT for the weak of heart, mind, soul or flesh)
I chose another "quick" little project to do with the yarn and made some headway on it - but remember I'd wasted 2 weeks before I cut bait - and it got to be just plain NOT fun. My friend doesn't know that I was planning to do anything for her and there weren't other presents at the party, so it wasn't a problem showing up empty-handed. I haven't tossed out the second project and maybe I'll get it made for Christmas. But for now, this Projict is off the list!
So there you have it. All but one of my goals has been met (or hit with the reality stick) and I have every confidence that within 24 hours or so I'll be sharing a picture of that last bit.
But wait!! I hear you say. Yesterday was Thanksgiving! What about the blow-by-blow food prep pictures and the obligatory turkey portrait? (It has just occurred to me that I may now have enough turkey portraits to make a calendar. Wouldn't that be a hoot?
Tracy's Turkeys, A Year of Drool-Inducing Pictures. Sometimes I just crack me up!)

Yes, Virginia, there was wonderful and amazing food to be had this week. We/I cooked the bird on Tuesday and shared the progress pictures with the folks over on Google Plus (easier to do on the run and from my iPod). This year's feast seemed to come together particularly smoothly; everything turned out very good and the timing was PERFECT!!

Isn't Mr. W. a great turkey.... carver?

He even took over after the meal (because I had to go to work!) and boiled the carcass and 'jarred' it up. That there is some good-looking turkey goop!!
Labels: holiday, quilting

At 11/29/2013 12:46 PM, Unknown Babbled Back:
That turkey looks perfect. Maybe you need to share your cooking secrets. And what do you do with the goop?
Love Marilee's project and I couldn't find the coffee stain. I think it's one only you can see.
At 11/30/2013 7:43 AM, Heather Babbled Back:
Two weeks ago I finished my Saturday sampler project and am quite pleased with it. Next year I need to focus on quilting the many tops I finished this year. I really don't need to start any new ones, though doing a Bonnie Hunter quilt is most appealing.
At 11/30/2013 4:44 PM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
YOu had a very good month. Congrats on your finishes. I have added the link so be sure to add your post.
The turkey looks perfect and I see some yummy soup in your future.
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