Another Friday Sew-In
January 22, 2010
Abandoned book "Practical Demonkeeping: A Comedy of Horrors" by Christopher Moore ♦♦◊◊◊
This time the Sew-In is attended by the members of the Yahoo! group,
Seasons BOM. Last week I actually DID finish all of my Tisket/Tasket 2009 BOM blocks - woot!

Here's the December block. This might well be my favorite!
Now that all of the blocks are finished, I'm going to set them aside for a short while. I have the fabrics to make the setting blocks, so it feels like I'm in the home stretch on that project.
For this week's Sew-In event, I'll work on block 6 (yes, out of 12) for the Red Delicious BOM. I've already seen a number of
gorgeous finished quilt tops from this project - when you look at those, it's hard NOT to get inspired!
Hmmm, anything else to share right now? How about a food picture? I haven't done one of those in a long time (though I
did make turkeys in 2009 - for once I didn't share pictures of them with you)(but yes, I do have pictures!).
Hot Chocolate on a Stick, from Foodie With Family, was a great hit with the girls at work. I'm not even a chocolate lover, but hoo-ee was this something to behold!
Making my own marshmallows was a hoot, and something I'd like to do again. It was a little scary toward the end, when I put the liquid vanilla into the already-fluffy mixture. It started separating and I thought for sure there was going to be marshmallow goo (no, GLUE) flung all over my kitchen. Fortunately it all worked out, though I did end up with a whole lot more marshmallow than I did fudgy-goodness.
Next time I do this (and there WILL be a next time), I'll remember that I don't actually need to use a kitchen-based container to mold the fudge & marshmallows in. There's no cooking involved (just foil lining and plastic covering), so I can theoretically just use a large box-shaped
something to spread this stuff out in. My first attempt here was yummy, but this is some
rich stuff, folks, and a little bit goes a looonnngg way.
I'll be back tomorrow or the next day with a picture or two of what I actually get accomplished this evening/weekend. Since I'm still working on 2009 projects, I'm thinking that anything is better than nothing!!
Labels: babble, quilting

At 1/22/2010 11:06 PM, Sandi Linn Andersen Babbled Back:
HI there,
Just had to stop by and say Hi and that I will come back and check your blog tomorrow. Your Bunny Hill blocks are beautiful!
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