A Littles Merry Christmas Wish
November 12, 2009
But he was gone. "Plum Spooky" by Janet Evanovich ♦♦♦♦◊

A while back
I showed you the
Christmas Littles stitcheries I did that were generously provided *free* by Cheryl at
Willowberry Designs.
It's currently no less wrinkly, by the way.

I have also finished this little cutie, another
free pattern - this time from designer extraordinaire
Gail Pan (designer of yet
another free Christmas project that's on my list of things to stitch).
Finishing at a little larger than 4x8", I used the same colors as in the Littles stitcheries.
Because I have A Plan.

Take one large-ish stitchery, add eight little stitcheries and five* fat quarters and
hopefully you'll end up with a cute little(ish) wallhanging for the holiday season.
*Uh, yeah. Did you notice that there is no blue in the fat quarter bundle?
Someone didn't think this all the way through. I see a bit o'piping or a flange in my future, I think.
So, there it is. My Littles Merry Christmas wish - to have this put together in time to actually display it at Christmastime.
Or send it to the family member who tells me that they want to hang it on THEIR wall at Christmastime (if any of my family still reads my blog!!).
Labels: holiday, stitchery

At 11/12/2009 4:43 PM, Crispy Babbled Back:
You are a visionary, not a planner LOL. I'm sure some blue will show up eventually :0)
At 11/13/2009 9:04 AM, golo8 Babbled Back:
Love your stitcheries....so cute...
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