Being Interesting
May 03, 2009
With a kind of calm joy, Alexander lifted his bright, blind face to the sky and talked to his brother about the stars. "The Music of the Spheres" by Elizabeth Redfern ♦♦♦◊◊
I want to point out a little bit of redecorating over there on my sidebar. I was wandering through my blog stats recently and I find that a number of "hits" I get are as a result of people clicking on the link to my blog in other bloggers' sidebars.
Just in the last week or so, I've received visits from
Susy's blog,
Julie's blog,
Carrie's blog,
Linda's blog,
Edna's blog - and more! These bloggers have actually gone to the trouble of putting a link to my blog in their sidebars and it has benefited me by bringing new readers (and friends) here.
I used to have a list over there, but I went for "streamlining" or some such drivel and just posted the link to
my Bloglines subscriptions.
Well, that all ends now. I see the error of my ways and I'm thankful for those who have stuck it out and shared some of their sidebar real estate with me all this time that I was not returning the favor.
I've been holding off on writing a blog post because this is post #199 and I promised a giveaway for #200 and I'm still not finished creating the prizes. I have the apron finished and I have the fabric picked for the journal, but it's not finished yet. I
do have some draft blog posts saved, but none of them seem special or interesting enough right now.
You see, I love getting comments (as many of us do). It makes me smile when someone just "drops by to say hi". But I also understand that lots of times not everything I write is comment-worthy (No! Say it isn't so!!) and that's okay, too. It occurs to me that I probably am a bit over-proud of my turkey dinners and it's okay that you don't comment on every one of the (so far)
twelve turkey-related posts.
I hope that when I say "comment to get a chance to win" on my next post, I'll actually get more than four comments. If I encourage you to tell all your friends to come by and comment to try to "win-win-win" that's all well and good, but it just seems to me that there should be something interesting to read or look at while you all are visiting. Golly, maybe even something that will encourage new readers to come back occasionally.
It's kind of a drag that some of FiberBabble's "Greatest Hits" get buried in the archives. Seriously - how many people go digging through three years' worth of archives? And if you do, what are the chances that you'll read every single post?
I think that I'll compile a list of the few high(ish)-comment posts and a couple of my favorites to share on the big #200, just in case someone is interested in wandering around.
And in other babble-ness:
Is it pointless for me to share a last line/♦♦♦◊◊ rating when I haven't actually written a review for you to read? Isn't it just hilarious that I assume you actually read my book reviews??When We Next Meet
It will be time for the giveaway! And there will be pictures!
An apron. A journal.
Some UFO progress (Get out! Really? Yes! Really!).
There will even be pictures (or maybe a single teaser picture) of Something Completely Different.Labels: babble, blogging

At 5/04/2009 2:58 AM, Brenda Babbled Back:
Oh but I love your turkey dinner posts! In my next life I will cook more and drool less. Until then, please continue to post about your homemade dinners. They're as close as I get to homemade food, LOL!
At 5/04/2009 7:22 PM, Julie Babbled Back:
I am flattered, thank you for putting me on your sidebar!! I was not holding it against you that it wasn't there. LOL.
I love reading all your posts, my bloggie friend.
At 5/07/2009 6:38 AM, Darcie Babbled Back:
I will leave the decision to rate or not to rate totally up to you...but I will tell you that in my honest and humble opinion...your *one-liners* are your signature. ;-) I like them.
At 5/07/2009 6:40 AM, Darcie Babbled Back:
And I just saw...I'm on the "click alot" list!!! Thank you thank you, T! ;-) *heehee* You've made my day. ;-)
At 5/08/2009 8:58 AM, Carrie P. Babbled Back:
I am still new to your blog but I enjoy reading it and wanted to let you know that. Also, I just noticed that your blog was not on my list but it is back. Look forward to reading more.
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