Paved with Good Intentions
April 13, 2009
There came another knock at the door. "Relic" by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child ♦♦♦♦◊
(Post #198!)
I've been hanging out on
Ravelry over the weekend, mainly because I hadn't gone in and reclaimed my sewing closet (a victim of "Mom's coming to visit, throw it in HERE") and there wasn't anything that I wanted to watch on TV.
Last week (after Mom went home) I got the bright idea to make a
snood to wear to church on Easter morning.
Let's start there, shall we?What's a snood? I've always thought it was the pretty bag-like thing that you stuck your pony-tail into (for lack of a classier description). I didn't consider that it would be a bun-holder. That's called a... uh...
bun-holder. But then there's also these
things that are kinda like a beret on steroids that you stick all of your hair into, all hanging loose and everything. Reminds me of a mesh vegetable bag.
So, what is it? Am I just making shtuff up?
Back to the blog post:
I started out with the
Rose of Sharon pattern that can be a purse or a hat. After I got through with this, any resemblance to the actual pattern is truly fictional.
There is nothing wrong with the pattern. I take all responsibility.

Okay, so this is all my fault. I used totally the wrong weight of yarn on totally the wrong sized needles. I knew it early on in the adventure, but I was too stubborn to rip and re-figure.
After a while I realized that all of the yo’s and ssk’s and k2tog’s were just a waste design-wise because my gauge was so far off and nothing really showed up anyway. Did I rip and re-do? NOOOoooo. I just switched to a k2tog, yo, k2 pattern instead.

It still didn’t help.
I like the yarn (surprisingly), but this baby turned out to be more of a slimy-looking sea creature than the subtly stunning snood (bun/pony tail holder) I was hoping to wear on Easter morning.
Currently it’s doing time (unfrogged) as a mini basket/bowl (still with the dpn’s in place) holding a skein of sock yarn that I’m swatching. And a mighty fine job it’s doing, too…
In other yarny news, the
Hanne Vest that I was so fired up to finish in time for Palm Sunday is still in the "needs to be blocked and then figured out" stage.

Then there's the
Knitted Lace Jewelry Frame. First off, I wanted to do the crochet version but it became very clear to me very early on that I do not have the proper hook(s) to work with #10 (bedspread) cotton. What a fiasco!

The pattern is easy and easy to memorize, and after I got my hands used to working with that skinny-skinny cotton it seems to be going fairly well.
Of course, I didn't swatch so I'm going to have to keep checking it until it becomes a size that will fit into a picture frame. That I may have to find at Goodwill or somewhere. But I like it!
Cryptic yarny note to The Girl: R2's hips have been killed. All body parts are accounted for. Progress!
So, is anyone still with me? I've decided on prizes/gifts for my 200th blog post giveaway!
There will be an apron.
There will be a covered journal (not to be confused with a covered wagon or a covered bridge; the postage would kill me).
There might be a cute bookmark.
Stay tuned - I've begun work on the apron and I've chosen the fabric for the journal cover. I know better than to offer something before it's actually finished. Recipe for disaster.
Labels: knitting

At 4/13/2009 2:29 PM, Cindy/KS Babbled Back:
I've always thought of a snood as being something to go over a bun. I think what you are wanting is sometimes called a hairnet. In fact, I think the lacy #10 bedspread cotton pattern would make a great looking one!
At 4/13/2009 2:43 PM, Fiber Babble Babbled Back:
ROFLOL!!! NOW you tell me! (and you're right, it would make a cool 'whatever it is'!)
At 4/24/2009 4:58 PM, Otter Babbled Back:
what is that yummy yarn you are using?
Hi there, long time, no chat!
Cyndye from Tx (a hen)
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