January 06, 2009
They'd all wait for her until the morning. "Born in Death" by J.D. Robb ♦♦♦♦♦
Before I get to the "real" post? Go get that book (Born in Death) on audio. I literally had to stop what I was doing because I couldn't see for tears of laughter. An odd thing to say about a book dealing with murder and kidnapping and the like, but there you have it. I don't know if it will read as well in print, but the audio was a definite highlight in my reading career!
I had the greatest intentions of participating in the
Whirl Into Winter giveaway hosted by Debi, but it just snuck up on me. What a surprise - January 1 snuck up on me. (sheesh)
I've been to all or most of the giveaway participants' blogs - such cool stuff out there, and so many of them are such a joy to wander through!
Katie over at
Zana's Ninis says I can have an extra entry into her giveaway if I tell you about it here. Even if she didn't say that, I'd probably mention her - wander over and wish her happy birthday. Lucky girl got FABRIC for her special day! (Was there anything else? I didn't notice!!)
Anya over at
Hills Creek Quilter is likewise offering an extra entry if I mention her here. Heck. Go over and drool on her header graphic! Oh, don't bother entering her giveaway, because I'm determined that It. Shall. Be. Mine.
Then there's Bonnie at
Nap Time News. I must say that her post was definitely 'out of the box' - and in order to get more chances to win the (unusual!) prize, she's issued a challenge.
I haven't committed, but whimsy and off-the-wallness gets me interested every time!
If you, too, want to wander around and discover some fun new blogs and try to win cool prizes, start by going to the
Whirl Into Winter blog and commence ta'clicking!

And then I stumbled across a
Calendar Quilt Challenge. This will be taking up residence on my sidebar very soon:

It looks like a fun way to use up some scraps... though I've pretty much figured that any projects I
start this year will be scrappy... at least, that's what I think
now. And the cool thing is that I can sew my scraps to finish up a little bit larger than in
my last scrap quilt...
But wait! There's more! In celebration of the lack of snow and ice (we won't talk about the floods and heavy rains...), I feel
invincible!!! I can finish UFO's in a single bound! (:snort: Everyone knows I don't do my own boundings!) I can join all kinds of challenges and take on multiple BOM's
AND toss in a couple of stitchery projects, too!
I give you
Esther Aliu's Red Delicious BOM badge, also soon to be making an appearance on that sidebar over there:

J2's already finished the first two blocks, in oranges and brown. I've collected fabric for my red, tan & black blocks. I'm pacing myself.
I might as well spill all (maybe next post we'll get back to Stuff I've Made). I've been meaning to make an advent calendar. I usually remember it on about November 27. Apparently I'm not the only one in that boat, though -

I'll be making my own pattern, apparently. There are so many adorable garland-y projects out there and some really cool pocket-y projects, but I want to do something different (surprise!). We all know I can't follow someone else's directions worth a hoot, so why don't I just re-invent the wheel??
Okay, there's one more
that I'm willing to confess to. Anne Sutton's got a new BOM that is SO not my style but for some reason it spoke to me. Enter:

It's a mystery, but the basic block is the same each month - an appliqued basket with something seasonal in it.
That's not really all that much, now is it? One block to make each month for two BOM's. One strip of fabric to sew every day for the Calendar Challenge? Two advent... uh,
thing-a-majigs to make each month for the Advent Sew-Along?
I don't suppose that this post will be very old before
somebody mentions that I'm playing in a name-game challenge. And
somebody else might mention that I'm doing a UFO challenge.
Hear me roar.
Labels: babble, blogging

At 1/08/2009 12:03 AM, Babbled Back:
heh ..i resemble that remark .. I really do .. for a second there .. (okay maybe 3) I was like she about to a tag??? and I was about to duck LOL ..
I've not had a lot of time to do surfing at all .. just finally getting caught up on my blog reading and actually might start deleting some too .. we'll just have to see - but yours is safe ;)
you forgot MY challenge - with all those other's out there, you just have to do mine :D
well how fast did you think that I would respond heheheh
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