I Finished Something!
October 04, 2008
A smile that seemed half secretive, and half shy. "Wheel of Darkness" by Douglas Preston & Lincoln ChildRemember back when all I talked about was yarn stuff? Apparently I go in cycles, and this recent cycle has been quilts, quilts, quilts.
I actually
do play with yarn still, mostly if I'm travelling or when I'm taking a break from the sewing machine. I'm just sewing up a pullover for myself that I've been working on for most of the year - though I have to admit I'm dragging my feet a bit on it. First because it's sewing up (ugh!). Second because I've gained weight since I started the sweater and the whole thing was done in 2/2 rib - ooh, hug those
curves lumps!
Today, though, I finished a cardigan for my granddaughter. She (or her mom) picked out the pattern and I actually
followed the pattern. Well, actually I was about to grumble about something not being explained clearly (or at all), but when I went back to get the url to link to the pattern here, I realized that I missed or skipped a small step and that's why the sleeves didn't work as well as I thought they should have. :sigh:

Okay. Pattern is
Fresh-Picked Color at LionBrand (available to those signed up for the free membership). Yarn is Pound O'Love in Bubble Gum Pink. Knit from the bottom up (ick). Seed stitch edged (okay). The yarn was kinda splitty, so I had to switch to pointier needles. No big. I did the stockinette stuff on the ISM (KP3 to get gauge), then transferred it to 10.5 US circulars to do the raglan shaping. Crochet bindoff. It looks awfully wide to me, but I'm so unfamiliar with raglans it might be just fine. If it doesn't fit, I don't have a problem doing it again (I have enough yarn!), but you know I'll do it top-down next time.
I've finished the lame-o birthday present for Lifesaver. I'll mail it on Monday (probably in the same package as the cardigan).
That leaves an outstanding yarn-ish request from my grandson for a (and I quote) "half-sized R2D2" ... he said something also about me making it on my knitting machine. Can I just say, when I went to research I was seriously surprised to learn that there is very detailed and (I'm sorry BUT) nerdy information about the specs of R2D2? I have the picture. I have the measurements. I have the yarn, actually AT the machine. Oh, and for his mom: YOU get to stuff the thing. Half size is still 18" tall and it would suck to mail it!
On the quilting front,
Just Us Quilters is back online - unfortunately the original list of blogs has to be rebuilt, so go on over and put your info in again.
I'm considering following
Edna's lead and signing up for
The New Year's Eve Challenge over at
Finn's Blog (oy! can you say
Eye Candy??). Maybe if I have some sort of deadline, self-imposed or not, I can get motivated again.
In the food arena, I tried
Apple, Cheddar and Turkey Meatballs from Stephanie's
A Year of CrockPotting blog. The only thing I did differently was that I used 1 pound of turkey (instead of 1.5), I browned the meatballs, then put the whole skillet into the oven at 350 for 45 minutes or so. Yeah. Kinda missed the whole CrockPot aspect of it, but I have problems planning that far (4 hours) ahead!
Anyway, I served it with bread dressing (aka stuffing without the bird), green beans, and pickled beets from a can. YUM. This is definitely a keeper.
Labels: babble, knitting

At 10/05/2008 11:42 AM, bunches of yarn Babbled Back:
Thank you so much "t" for sharing this pattern link.
I was having a time with one I saw in YouTube--from Brazil.
This is much easier.
I found you in Susan's page.
At 10/12/2008 10:45 AM, Kyla Nicole Babbled Back:
Ooooh, the sweater looks fantastic! And yes, the kid did pick out the pattern herself =] Now, do I wrap it up, and keep it hidden until Christmas? Hmmm...
I would be more than happy to stuff R2D2; I like the idea of working on something with you. It reminds me of way back when ;) Isaac is going to totally FREAK, btw. I mean, really, he's gonna lose his mind over this thing =D
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