Hats, Hats, Hats
March 07, 2006

Some FO's! (Insert Kermit voice here:) YAYAYAYAY!
I've finished the chemo cap for my MIL; I'm hoping she won't need it because she's shiny, but only that she can enjoy it and know that I'm thinking of her.

Also, I've finished up two of the four Block-A-Minute Head Start Hats. I think that I need to go down to KP3 for the base of the hats; even though the StyroQueen is a bit petite, they still seem awfully large for kids/teens. Oh, here's a translation: They fit ME. I have a big head. Both literally and figuratively.

I also learned that when I take the hats from the machine to the HK needles, I apparently do the first row 'twisted'. Must be the direction I'm loading the stitches onto the needles. As I work on the next two hats, I'll keep that in mind when HK'ing the first row and un-twist them by purling through the back of the stitch on the first round.

Now it's time for an itty confession.
I sorta joined a KAL.What? What did you just say?
mmblbll joined mmblbllSpeak up! I didn't hear you! You joined WHAT?
Okay, FINE. I joined a KAL. Less than 2 weeks since I posted my
mini-rant about KALs, I joined one. There I was, doing the KBS thing and I found a link to one that looked interesting.
And the link actually took me to the post about the KAL. The premise (I'm sure premise-ing today, aren't I?) is to, during Lent, spend at least 50% of my knitting time on knitting for charity.
I wrote to
Annie's Knits and told her I was too embarrassed to admit here that I was joining, but could I post a button and would she put me on her participants list (incognito).
So, yes, I joined, dammit. It's for a GOOD CAUSE. I still stand by my original mini-rant.
And the link WORKED.Labels: knitting

At 3/07/2006 12:01 PM, Annie Babbled Back:
Tracy, it totally was my browser. I guess I'll have to switch if I want to see your blog! Wierd. Anyway, I'm going to quick go check to see that I linked the button to the descripton of the KAL. I'll be back later. ;)
At 4/03/2006 4:47 AM, Babbled Back:
those hats are lovely. I'm a purse kindof girl . . . I make one use and make another.
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